Education is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through various methods and experiences. It is a lifelong journey that begins in early childhood and continues throughout a person's life. Education can take place in formal settings such as schools, colleges, and universities, as well as informal settings like homes, communities, and workplaces. The primary goal of education is to facilitate learning and promote personal development. It equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the world, make informed decisions, and participate actively in society. Education encompasses a wide range of subjects and disciplines, including mathematics, science, language arts, social sciences, humanities, arts, physical education, and more.
Radhaji charitable Trust from last twenty five years facilitating process of educating the child through R.K Public senior secondary school. Our place of action is derabassi , asmall town in Mohali district of Punjab . it is one of the most backward area of Punjab. It is surrounded by more than 40 villages. Literacy ratio, and gender ratio are cause of concern. The trust not only take initiative to bring students from remote villages through cheap transport but provide them state of art quality education. The medium of education has been kept English so that student can compete with the best of students from big cities. The trust take pride in introducing new methods of teaching to make the subjects interesting for students. New equipment has been introduced. Special emphasis has been given on developing scientific temperament of the students. Imbibing values among students is another thing which we take pride. Also emphasis is given on activity based learning for little smart kids of the school to increase their imaginative power. Education is transformation of child into a responsible disciplined knowledgeable citizen which we are doing for last twenty-five years. Trust need more resources to change lives of more students. To increase amenities for these students from poor families so that they donot have an inferiority complex. Your contribution will help us do that. Task is bigger resources less. Donate generously. Click on the button below . Reciept of donations will be provided. You can avail exemption also under 80 G of IT act.