The Annual Report 2021-2022 of “Radhaji Charitable Trust Society” constitutes a brief narration about the activities undertaken by the society during the fiscal year 2020-2021. The report enumerates in it the sincere and effective attempts made by “Radhaji Charitable Trust” over the year to carry on with a number of its objectives embodied in the bye-laws. The report also expresses the extent of thrust of the organization for the all-round development of the rural mass, the down trodden and the neglected sections of the society through a series of initiatives.

“Radhaji Charitable Trust Society” the name signifies, has mobilized its Endeavour for growth of education with particular emphasis on women development, health, education, environmental protection, rural development, women empowerment and human rights. Organization began with very limited resources as well as manpower. The organization aims to the society through capacity building of the people. But apart from this, “Radhaji Charitable Trust” has not forgotten to see the community is much strengthened with provision of basic human needs, minimum amentias of life on equitable basis.

In the Education sector “Radhaji Charitable Trust Society” is Running R.K. Public Sen. Sec. School in Dera Bassi (Mohali). It provides co-education. The school has own well managed transport facility for the convenience of student.

A healthy mind in a healthy body is more desirable than anything else in life. “Radhaji Charitable Trust” has taken much care to improve health and sanitation through adequate awareness. Social justice is never possible without proper equable distribution of the country’s resources. “Radhaji Charitable Trust”, therefore has put up much of its endeavored to see to see that the assistance and support of Govt. and Non-Govt. organizations meant for the public good must reach their appropriate destinations.

It is our immense pleasure to place the Annual Report before all our patrons, well-wishers and also critics from whom we imbibe a lot for our growth support and substance.

I express my sincere thanks to the resource person and experts for sharing their views and experiences in various programs conducted by “Radhaji Charitable Trust Society”. I also accord my heartfelt gratitude to the development agencies, govt. officials and well-wishers for the co-operation and support they have extended in materializing our objectives.